№ | Initials and surname of the autor (s) | Article title | Annotation | Keywords |
1 | Aitzhanov Shyngys Seitayeva Zhanar Sekezhanovna | COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF STATE COMPENSATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME (KAZAKHSTAN, GERMANY, FRANCE AND POLAND) | The article discusses some issues of state compensation for damage caused by a violent crime to the victim, using a comparative approach. The authors analyzed the history of the formation and functioning of state victim support programs in Germany, France and Poland in comparison with the activities of the Victim Compensation Fund in Kazakhstan. In addition, based on the analysis of foreign and Kazakh legislation, problematic aspects of the legislative regulation of payments from the Compensation Fund to victims, as well as its formation, have been identified. The authors propose to consider the possibility of applying the positive experience of foreign countries in domestic legislation regulating state compensation for victims of crime. Namely, the purpose, the procedure for payment of compensation, the types of assistance paid by the state, the persons claiming compensation, the grounds for refusal of payment and the sources of formation of appropriate Funds. | guilty; harm; compensation; victim; program; solution; fund |
2 | Amirov Almas Muratovich Shayakhmetov Shakir Shamilevich | PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF BIOMETRIC DATA PROCESSING | The article discusses the legislative features, innovations and experience of individual countries, as well as the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulating the collection and processing of biometric data. At the same time, the authors places considerable emphasis on the approach of foreign countries, since their experience in the field of data protection, ensuring confidentiality and preventing unjustified interference in private life is considered advanced in the world. A comparison of foreign and domestic legislation is carried out. In addition, the article also touches on the experience of using biometric data by law enforcement agencies in order to combat crime. Examples of the implementation and application of biometric authentication mechanisms are also provided. The purpose of this work is to study the best foreign experience in the protection of biometric data to determine the feasibility and possibility of its implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. | biometric authentication; biometric data; biometric identification; personal data protection; facial recognition; digital technologies; artificial intelligence; privacy |
3 | Ashirbekov Marat Yerkenovich | INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITERIA AND MECHANISMS FOR EVALUATING THE ACTIVITIES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES | This publication is intended to assess the quality of the work of law enforcement agencies, which is an urgent task of ensuring security and legality in society. The article discusses various approaches and criteria for evaluating their effectiveness, including criminal statistics, the level of public trust, corruption and resource efficiency. The features of public policy and management, socio-economic conditions and other factors affecting the development of relevant requirements in various states are considered. The experience of foreign countries in the implementation of international standards for the development of criteria and mechanisms for evaluating the activities of law enforcement agencies has been studied. The article provides foreign experience in evaluating law enforcement agencies in countries such as Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as analyzes the number of police officers in different countries and their characteristics. Special attention is paid to the need to implement a comprehensive assessment system that includes quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as taking into account the opinions of citizens and experts. In conclusion, the Criteria for evaluating the activities of law enforcement agencies should include: the level of trust of citizens, economy, the general state of crime (security) in the state, their importance should be the same. | standard; assessment; indicator; society; trust; law; efficiency; response; development |
4 | Beisenbayeva Manshuk Toktarbekovna Musabekova Indira Temirbekovna | THE LEGAL BASIS FOR ENSURING SECURITY IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE USA | The problem of offenses in educational institutions in the United States (murders with firearms, bullying, drug trafficking, the use of narcotic substances, etc.) requires great attention from the authorities and timely legislative regulation. This article examines the regulatory framework on the basis of which the issue of ensuring safety for children and adolescents is being addressed in American educational institutions. For a comprehensive disclosure of the topic of the article, the legislative acts of the United States concerning: the regime of carrying weapons; laws related to the establishment of “zero tolerance” in relation to offenses occurring in the education system; bullying were studied. Two categories of legislation in the United States aimed at individual impact on offenders and on the educational system as a whole have been thoroughly studied. The authors noted that only a close relationship between these two areas can lead to the best results in solving the problem of reducing crime and drug use in schools in the United States. | safety; educational institution; drug use; carrying weapons; violence; legislative act; USA; zero tolerance policy; bullying |
5 | Bekisheva Sabigul Dzhanabaevna Baymukhanov Erbakyt Mukhamedkalievich | ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSES THAT INFRINGE ON PUBLIC ORDER AND MORALITY: LEGAL REGULATION, PROBLEMS AND WAYS TO SOLVE THEM | This article discusses the issues of legal regulation of administrative responsibility for offenses that infringe on public order and morality. A brief analysis of the content of Chapter 25 «Administrative offenses infringing on public order and morality» of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is given here, as well as the problems of normative consolidation of certain norms and law enforcement practice. In particular, the lack of proper systematization of the Administrative Code in this part has been revealed: the presence of administrative offenses that do not relate to the object of the encroachment, but are violations of entrepreneurial activity or an environmental offense; in other chapters of the Administrative Code there are structures that, by all their characteristics, constitute administrative offenses against public order and morality. In addition, examples of improper application of the norms of Chapter 25 of the Administrative Code in practice are given. As a result, a number of recommendations have been developed to improve administrative legislation, as well as the practice of its application. | administrative offenses; encroaching on public order and safety; alcohol intoxication; qualification of offenses; minor hooliganism; morality; minors; public place; object of encroachment; ethical behavior |
6 | Birzhanov Beibit Kairatovich | DIFFERENTIATION OF SOURCES OF INFORMATION IN ELECTRONIC AND DIGITAL FORM IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURES | This scientific article examines the sources of information available in the criminal procedure legislation in electronic and digital form, which, after their study, can be recognized as evidence in a criminal case. It is argued that in the current legislation there are two categories of sources of information in electronic and digital form, which include electronic documents and information on electronic media. It is pointed out that there is no clear regulation and criteria for attributing each of them to one or another source of evidence available in criminal procedure legislation. In this regard, it is pointed out that it is necessary to form in theory and in law enforcement practice uniform criteria for classifying an «electronic document» to documents, and unreliable electronic digital data to physical evidence through paragraph 5 of Article 120 of the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | electronic document; information on electronic media; physical evidence; computer information; factual data; evidence; written form; electronic format |
7 | Yerbolatov Yernar Yerbolatuly Zhetpisov Serik Kozhanovich | THE BALANCE OF DIGITALIZATION AND PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION: KAZAKHSTAN CASE | The article presents the problem of the growing threat of loss of confidentiality of personal data, which are identified as "goods for trade" on illegal specialized platforms-markets. There is growing concern among people about how to keep information about themselves, as the line of privacy begins to lose its clear outlines. The authors of the article, analyzing the progressive experience of law-making and law enforcement in Western countries, came to the conclusion that the legal acts of European countries have become the world standard implemented by non-European countries. This is due not only to the universality of their norms, but also to the fact that the ideas embedded in them were the result of an analysis of accumulated practical experience. In this regard, based on the use of a number of scientific methodological techniques, it is concluded that borrowing foreign experience will make it possible to transfer the legal regulation of personal data in Kazakhstan to a qualitatively new level, improve their confidentiality, and increase the effectiveness of legal protection of individual rights and freedoms. | privacy; information; personal data leakage; privacy; digitalization; cyber hygiene; information technology; security |
8 | Yergeshov Batyr Shakshanbaevich Amurtaeva Dinara Talgatovna | ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF LEGALITY: NATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND POSSIBILITIES OF APPLICATION IN FOREIGN PRACTICE | This article is devoted to the study of the main issues of the application of the analysis of the state of legality as a form of prosecutorial supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This form of analysis has proven to be effective and has a positive impact on the state of legality in the country. The article also examines the experience of using forms of prosecutorial activity in some foreign countries, but focuses of the fact that Kazakhstan has introduced an inherently unique data analysis system in the work of the prosecutor’s office, which has no direct analogues in other countries. The authors reveal the issue of work in this direction in the republic of Kyrgyzstan, which has adopted the Kazakh experience, giving the prosecutor’s office the authority to carry out information and analytical activities using the information exchange system of law enforcement and other government agencies. In the Russian Federation, it was noted that insufficient attention is paid to preventive activities, and it was proposed to improve the analytical work of prosecutors by developing and implementing a unified information and analytical system. Nevertheless, analysis, as one form of supreme supervision, is a unique aspect of the prosecutorial activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | form of prosecutorial supervision; analysis of the state of legality; supervision in the socio-economic sphere; information and analytical activities; prosecutor’s office; foreign countrie; elimination of violations of legality; CIS countrie |
9 | Zhandykeyeva Gulnar Esenbekovna Kzylkhodzhaeva Aysaulem Amangeldikyzy | INTEGRATING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE INTO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ECOSYSTEM: NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE INVESTIGATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY | This scientific article explores the issues of integration of artificial intelligence in criminal proceedings as new opportunities for improving the effectiveness of investigations and ensuring public safety, since in modern conditions ensuring public safety requires continuous improvement and implementation of innovative approaches. The present scientific article is devoted to new opportunities for improving the effectiveness of investigations and ensuring public safety, where the authors consider current problems and promising directions in the field of criminalistics, forensic examination, criminal law and process. The scientific research has shown that the uncertainty of the legal status of artificial intelligence is a significant barrier to the successful implementation of projects in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. It is noted that new technologies provide improved situational awareness, allowing law enforcement agencies to respond to offenses faster and more accurately. Thus, artificial intelligence is becoming an integral part of the criminal justice ecosystem, contributing to both crime prevention and improved public safety. | integration; artificial intelligence; ecosystem; efficiency; investigation; algorithm; definition; public safety |
10 | Zholdasbayev Daniyar Kazbekova Aisulu Bolatovna | SECRET INTEGRITY CHECK AS AN ANTI-CORRUPTION TOOL: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS OF IMPLEMENTATION | The article analyzes the secret Integrity Check as a preventive measure against corruption in the public sector. The definition and typology of checks, including random and targeted checks, as well as their main features are given. Examples of the use of this tool in international practice are considered, including the experience of the USA, Australia, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Singapore, which show its positive effect in preventing corrupt behavior and strengthening public administration transparency. A retrospective analysis of the implementation of the Kazakhstan mechanism for checking professional integrity is considered. Examples of situational cases of checking for professional integrity are analyzed, in which potential risks are identified. The authors offer recommendations for the successful implementation of Integrity Check, emphasizing the importance of legislative regulation, employee training and compliance with the principles of proportionality and ethics. The article also highlights the potential limitations and risks associated with secret inspections, as well as ways to minimize them, which makes the article useful for countries planning to implement such a tool. | corruption; employee; prevention; provocation; testing; secret check; integrity; honesty; risk; mechanism |
11 | Zoirova Irodabegim Fayzi qizi | СOMPARATIVE LEGAL ANALYSIS OF ENSURING THE LEGITIMATE INTERESTS OF MINOR VICTIMS АT THE STAGE OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS | This article provides a scientific analysis of ensuring the legitimate interests of minor victims in criminal proceedings, a comparative legal comparison of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries based on international standards at the stage of judicial proceedings. The issues of obtaining information from minor victims by other means besides their personal participation are also discussed; adaptation of the premises in which children participate, in accordance with their psychological state; interrogation of children outside the defendant's field of view and their protection from direct interaction with the defendant; completion of the trial as soon as possible if the delay does not meet the interests of the child. At the same time, the opinions and judgments of theoretical scientists and experienced practitioners were analyzed, the author's conclusions and recommendations on existing problems in this field were presented. | victim; children; court proceedings; standard; courtroom; defendant; means; video conferencing; completion of the case |
12 | Karzhaubayev Serik Seitovich | ON THE ISSUE OF LEGAL REGULATION OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES IN KAZAKHSTAN | Recently, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has become relevant. For most people, the concept of a drone evokes an association as an unmanned aerial vehicle. This association is explained by the fact that the use of UAVs is most in demand compared to drones used on public roads and on water. The existing legal framework does not «keep pace» with technical innovations. Many issues of the operation of unmanned vehicles have not yet been regulated. One of the problems of legal regulation of unmanned vehicles is the definition of its concept. The concept of an unmanned aerial vehicle is given in national legislation, but the concept of an autonomous vehicle is not regulated. The article, based on world experience, attempts to regulate the concept of unmanned vehicles used on public roads. It is important when using unmanned vehicles to resolve the issue of bringing to justice the persons operating the unmanned vehicle. The article discusses the issues of legal regulation of the liability of operators or owners of unmanned vehicles. The author proposes legal norms that allow to resolve the issue of bringing to justice for violation of traffic rules. | unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); autonomous vehicle; public roads; airspace; operation; responsibility; vessel; driver; operator |
13 | Kussainova Assel Kadyrbekkyzy Ismailbayev Timurlan Shamilevich | INDIVIDUAL INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF RESTRICTIVE MEASURES OF CIVIL SERVANTS | This article is devoted to the analysis of individual international standards governing restrictive measures applied to civil servants. In today's environment, when public trust in public institutions is becoming a key factor for stability and sustainability, the importance of ethical standards and the prevention of corruption in public administration is becoming relevant. International standards enshrined in various international conventions and recommendations establish a clear framework of conduct for civil servants. These regulations are aimed at restrictions on post-service activities, as well as obligations to disclose information about financial and personal interests. The article highlights the key provisions of these international documents and assesses their impact on the national system of legal regulation. The article also discusses the prospects for further development and improvement of international norms in this area. | international standards; restrictions; public service; ethics; law; norms; conduct |
14 | Lavrinov Vyacheslav Viktorovich | DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO THE DEFINITION OF THE SUBJECT OF ECONOMIC SMUGGLING IN THE CRIMINAL LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN | The article discusses the comparative characteristics of the contraband item in the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is shown that despite the commonality of customs legislation, criminal legislation in the field of determining the subject of economic smuggling has certain quantitative and qualitative differences. The differences are related both to the qualitative composition of the items specified in the disposition of criminal law norms establishing criminal liability for economic smuggling, and to the definition of their quantitative characteristics, namely, large size, in the presence of which the legislator allows the possibility of criminal liability. The author recommends taking measures to unify the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in this area, including bringing the large size of the object of economic smuggling to a common denominator. | criminal code; criminal legislation; customs legislation; customs border; illegal movement; customs crime; smuggling; economic smuggling; contraband item; market value; customs value |
15 | Sadykov Mukhtar Askar Talkibayev | ON THE APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN DEPARTMENTAL AND MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS | The article considers the issue of the application of artificial intelligence in the educational process in departmental and military higher education institutions. As an example, the experience of employees of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the use of some of the systems based on AI for more effective conduct of classes in several disciplines allows us to judge about the prospects of this approach. The article contains examples of promising developments that are under development, but given as beacons (digital avatars, symbiosis of AI and virtual reality, training on 3D models generated from a limited number of 2D images, etc.). However, there are some challenges and risks in implementing this approach. For example, the requirements for technological infrastructure, the preparedness of faculty and students, the risk of reducing the qualifications of teachers, and over-reliance on AI judgments. The article also considers the issues of copyright compliance in the use of artificial intelligence in the Republic of Kazakhstan. | artificial intelligence; education; virtual reality; neural network; departmental and military higher educational institutions; technology; information; risk |
16 | Smagulov Zhaslan Undrusovich | COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF NORMS ON LABOR CONTRACT UNDER THE LEGISLATION OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES | In this article the author analyzes the labor legislation of Kazakhstan and foreign countries. The author pays special attention to the provisions regulating the employment contract. This is due to the fact that the employment contract is one of the main legal documents determining the basic legal relations between the employee and the employer. The author has chosen Germany, Great Britain, the United States of America and China for the study of the labor legislation of individual states of the near abroad, i.e. the states formed in the post- Soviet space, and then the labor legislation of individual states of the far abroad. As a result of the comparative study the author formulates conclusions on the existing significant differences both in the state of labor legislation in general, and in the provisions regulating the employment contract. | labor legislation; legal act; salary; employment contract; employer; term; employee rights; labor relations |
17 | Tukenova Zhanar Sauletovna | SOME ISSUES OF ORGAN DONATION IN KAZAKHSTAN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RIGHT TO HEALTH | This article considers the questions of ensuring the right to health and legal capacity of the person at the disposal of his own right through the lens of donation of organs and tissues. The author explores ethical, medical and legal aspects in the context of self-determination of the individual with regard to his own health and body. The study examines legal and ethical issues that limit the realization of this right, preventing the achievement of «common good», by providing an opportunity for recovery of a wider range of persons. As a result of the scientific research, the author has tried to present his own approach to the solution of the question by defining the limits and criteria of the human right to have its organs, On the basis of which proposals were made to improve the norms of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | right to health; donor; recipient; donation; moral right; disposal of law; trade in organs |
18 | Tusupov Kairakbay Kenesovich | THE ROLE OF DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY IN PREVENTING AND PREVENTING CORRUPTION: ANALYSIS AND PROPOSALS. | In the article, the author conducted a brief historical excursion into disciplinary practice during the period of validity of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the fight against corruption” and after the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On combating corruption”. Statistical data and theses are presented on the dynamics of growth and reduction in the detection of disciplinary offenses related to violations of anti-corruption legislation and its possible causes. The norms of the UN Convention against Corruption on the possibility of applying disciplinary measures to persons violating the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, as well as the requirements of regulatory legal acts of foreign countries regarding disciplinary liability, are reflected. Instruments to combat corruption in foreign countries are considered, in particular, the institution of public censure of persons who have committed corruption disciplinary offenses. One of the psychological factors of corruption in maintaining a public register of persons who have committed a corruption disciplinary offense is also given. According to the author, the introduction of the institution of corruption disciplinary liability into national legislation in the future will have a beneficial effect on reducing the level of corruption in the country. | prevention; warning; corruption disciplinary liability; offense; anti-corruption; anti-corruption; convention; anti-corruption standard |
19 | Urazalin Bauyrzhan Turekhanovich Darmenov Akinkali Dautbayevich | DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL AND FORENSIC TOOLS TO ENSURE THE DETENTION OF CONVICTS IN MINIMUM SECURITY INSTITUTIONS | Taking into account the more lenient regime of serving sentences of convicts in minimum security institutions, problems arise in ensuring their detention, including monitoring their presence at work facilities outside the institution of the penal enforcement system. Current trends in the development of the penitentiary system and the need for effective use of technologies for the control and rehabilitation of convicts actualize the issues of developing technical and forensic tools to ensure electronic monitoring. At the same time, biometric technology is considered as a promising direction. In particular, with the active participation of the author, a device for identifying the identity of convicts with a face recognition function has been developed. In order to protect, this unique means of remote monitoring and supervision of the behavior and movement of convicts located outside the institutions of the penal enforcement system, and a technical device for the prevention of offenses by convicts, has been patented. | biometrics; identity identification; control; supervision; convict; face recognition; technical and forensic mean; minimum security institution |